Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Solon's

So here I'm again whining about my life.... NOT!!

I mean yeah I have some wacko psyco going koo koo in my head I love this life....

There mum, dad, 2 sistas, bro and me...
Good time bad time, we are happy...
Tasty like chocolate and sweet like candy...
But I know it won't have cavity...

Good one bad one they will still lean a hand...
I can't imagine i would have so many fans among friends...
Some adore... some just left without even glance...

A true friend is someone who reaches for my hand and touches my heart...

Even sunshine burns sometimes...
The one who loves me will not make me cry alone at night...
They will be right by me side telling me it will be alright....

My life have taught me one vital thing and that is:
I came into this world alone...
I shall leave it alone...
And, if I have to live in it alone...
so be it!
I contend to live it in peace with myself... am I?

it's hard to feel,
and even harder to see,
but when I look back on it,
I realize how far I've come

Such a Complicated Simplicity...


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