Monday, September 14, 2009

Darkest hour of my life...

The clock show approximately 2am in the morning... I don't feel well... My stomach is giving problem... at first I thought it was just a normal pain.... It's getting worse... the pain is killing me... it eat me from inside... something inside is tearing it apart... it was really painful... I fainted again on the way to the clinic... pity my cousin bro have to stay awake and send me through... the doc give me a paint killer to subside the pain... I darn is this how it feels like to have a gastric... I was fasting the whole day yesterday... which bring me down to 1 thing coffee or the beer I dank with JZ.... tchisio... it feel like I have gone through hell and come back again... I think I could get hospitalise today...cos the doc say it was bad and he give me a referral latter... damn.... what a life...

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