Tuesday, September 1, 2009

1 drop....

Just finish my gym session with ma' brother juz now... it feel more relaxing...I guess I should change job to something physical I guess.... it remind me of the good old time when I represent Malaysia in Sea Games... it was tiring but everday I'm energetic... like a energizer that will never run out of power... but Lately when I started my job as an IT personal... my God...sleep is like private and limited...and my brain go all hair wired...

Argh... my heart is not at ease... been thinking too much of nothing!!

That's part of life I guess... thinking of nothing...huh....

Vee: I need u to promise me something...
1) promise me no more of those thing like "I miss ya bla ...bla...bla....", ya i know u mss me...let's move on ok..... ;p mentang mentang la sia ni kiut kan...ahaks.....(>.^)

2) no more "I'm sowee" thingy... it already happen.... let it be...I'm pun ok ja....(mimang sakit jugak masa tue...but sia udah lupa ...saja boring boring sia tulis dalam blog........) (>.^)...

3) ko tanya sama sia knapa kita ndak dapat macam dulu...jawab sia... dulu lain sekarang lain...(>_^) mungkin sia skrg bukan urang yang kamu kenal dulu lagi apa macam...sandi la sia...(>.<)
p/s- ko pun ndak cari sia last year....hahaha....

4) let's move on ok.... sia pun ada ciri ciri gay uda ba skrg nih hahahahha... (joking jer a....)

I hope this would clear up something for u and for me..haahahha.... ok ba kalau kau......

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