Saturday, November 7, 2009


What does happiness mean to you?
Have lot of money??
Have lot of friends??
Have lot of property??
Have what ever you wan to have??
What is happiness???

I really don't know...
I'm happy when I get what I wan... but it's just for a while...
I'm happy when I have lot of friends... but I'm not when they are not around...
I'm happy to have some one special to love... but my heart broken when she left...
I'm happy to see others smile... but grow sad when they cry...

what is happiness...

every one is in pursuit of one...
does being with some one beautiful make me happy...
does being with some one ugly make me happy...

how long can that happy feelings sustain??

Complicated Simplicity......

I'm not a rich kid but... I'm happy... because I work hard to get what I wan...
I always being dump by girls... but I'm happy... because it reaches me more about love...
I'm not the heat in the crowd... but I'm happy... because each passing day it make me realise even more of my nerdiness...


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