Tuesday, October 6, 2009


In maths class today, the children were chatting bout what they wanna do, which kinda reminds me of John Goddard list which I have made 6 years ago.... If I can still rememeber clearly below are the items....

Sungai Rajang, Sungai Kinabatangan, Sungai Padas (rafting)

Gunung Kinabalu (annual activity:) till today is the 4th years), Banjaran Titiwangsa (almost lost my hand during the ab-sailing), Mount Fuji, Mount Cook, Mount Baldy

The Great wall of China, Eiffal Tower, Pisa, Vatican City, Blue Grotto, Chichen-Itza, Taj-Mahal, Kathmandu (nepal), Mecca (if permitted)

Language: French (communication), Japanese (lost in translation [>.^]), Spanish (learning with one of the parent), Korean (half tank =P), Thai (well my parent speak thai =P), Arab

Handling: Rafting (done in sungai padas), Sailing (terlepas peluang during uni time in KK), Piloting (piloted a platipus, light weight aircraft in Kolej Tentera Udara, How i wish the licencing is cheaper now days :( so freaking expensive...), motorcycling, car drifting (Sabah racing centre and Bukit Bendera almost crashes my friend car), Glider, Parachuting, skate boarding, surfing.

Play: Violin, Guitar, Piano, Flute, harmonica, Play Canon in D on a piano, Play Clair de Lune on a piano...

Other: visit grand canyon, take photograph for national geography (like my uncle), married and have kids, owned a resort, compose a song, learn jujitsu, learn the way of shinobi, learn the art of samurai, learn the steps of drunken fist, visit FuJien, Ang Qiu where my ancestors from, volunteer on one of the UN aid (done it during the tsunami was send by UN with 90 other to Acheh), snorkeling, diving (my license die in Sabah... last dive in Sipadan... freaking awesome), sky diving, ice skating (hm..bleh try kat Sunway Pyramid).

The one in blue I've did it (>.^)... as life goes on my list shall goes on...

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