Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Serenity - the state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled
Well people say the more you give in the more you see bout yourself...
There are still a lot for me to learn...
I send this to a friend... close friend to me she is... it may be other wise to her...
"Even the sun will someday faded...
who can tell what is fate what is faith...
for the soul that long for grace...
and the warmth of sweet embrace....
trying to find a way out of the dark cold maze...
the world...
sometime could be a lonely place...
but if you could just stop, look and take a deep breath...
see how a child see the world...
you will be amaze..."
Well lost in certain translation...
I spill out words kept in my heart...
only for the heart...

I have the feeling of guilt now...
on one end I'm out with someone else...
but in my heart is thinking of the other...

life is getting more complicated....
I have no idea how does it turn out this way...
I'm such a fool...
In search for nothing...

How I wish I could be in the state of serenity...
I back up too much in the past...
from now on when it's going get tough!
the tough get's going.....

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