Friday, March 12, 2010

I'm just every bodies tools....

Who am I to voice or shout...
Who am I to love or doubt...
who am I to walk high and proud...
who am I to say "I'm not your slave"...
who am I to say "No"...
who am I to say "I love you"...
who am I to say "it's not fair"...

I'm nobody to say no...
I'm nobody to say love...
I'm nobody to say it's not fair...

But I'm that someone who will be there when you need help...
I'll be that some one who stood by you and ready to risk my own life...
I'll be that some one who will never give up...
I'll be that some one who will ..... for ever...


my health condition is not very good lately. coughing... headache... friends ask me to rest... the more I rest the more pain I feel... I need to do something... else my brain will start getting pain if I don't.. hove I wish I could be normal....

life is really short... I really hope love would come easily...and hate won't exist... times, something precious so near yet seem so far... it's my fate I guess...but can't I fight agains fate...spread my wing and the extreme which I never do...go agains the normal..well....I guess I' always go agains the norm..:)

I submitted diploma form.... but I guess I know better...even if I get it...I won't go..... coz I love it here...the kids the friends....the joy and pain I had a wonderful experience..... alot of ups and downs.... love and heart broken.... hahaha...I guess this is the right place for me...

people may say, don't I have a dream.I'll tell I have more then just a dream I have reality... I can be astronaut.... sailor...pilot....everything...and have fun doing it... if just the people can see...say what they wan....I love it here.... I love it when kids make me angry...and come and hug me an hour later.....I love it when a kids cry and smile a minute later.......
they make me smile.... while the work pull me down....I just hope what I found here is more then just love.... but a big great family...........

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