Sunday, August 5, 2007

Before HE become a MAN

Before He Became A Man... He Was A Boy...

As the story goes...
Inside the mother's womb...
A life was formed...
A baby was born...
It was a HE...
He was given name...
As he grows...
His name grows too...
In the eye of the beholder...
In the ear of the listener...
On the path of the pathfinders...

Step by step he take...
Slowly climbing the stairs way to da moon...
starting out on a journey...
he will never knew the end...
And life is a road and he wanna keep on going....

falling rain and bursting storm...
he keep on moving...
fire of hell and lightning from the sky...
will not burn his path...

the path...
the journey...
the way...
to become a MAN......

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