Wednesday, October 28, 2009


The only thing that kept me in one piece is the sound of children laughter and hyper voice...

Totally out of my mind today...
Can't even pull a smile when I heard know bout the issue...
WTF... my patient really outrage...

But being me no matter how bad a person treated me...
I still forgive them...
forgiving is what make me the person I am today...
Thanks to the children I learn to shift quick...
I can't just bring my sad face all day...

It hurt...
It really hurt...
when the person u trusted the most betray that trust...

It really scary if I lost it...

once... there are some one there to calm me down...
hold my hand and I feel calm...
"V"-thanks for the moment in time...
now she is with some one else... and I'm all by myself...
Striving every moment in time....

what past is past...
what present to me is what it is...
what is in the future... is unknown...

waaaaa....I feel so bad now!! hahahahaha....

I just hope that the one in my heart now would forgive me for my behavior....
"Just as you are... Just as I am...
Our little imperfections that make us beautifully imperfect... "

Would you allow me to care for you...
hold you and I promise I never let go...
and love you till the end of my time....

my goodness... ok breath in... and out... and in... and out....

love got no reason...
love got no rhythm...
Kai you better get to school on time :)

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