Thursday, July 30, 2009

Today marked a bad day in my calendar. As I wake up this morning, I was very excited to go to work. So a brush of teeth, a cold icy bath, nothing can stop me from going to work. As I walk into the valley of living machines, I was shock when I notice one of my favorite animal had gone missing form my armored horse. I lost my self at the moment,it was my favorite one. My precious... It's GONE!!! Some one took it! It was kidnapped. I'm furious as my vehicle scream through the road. Enter my office with a pain in my heart and soul. I shall never forgive those who had done such unacceptable deed to me. My naked devil...please return my lil' Devil to me... My day gone by with sadness, sorrow, and mentally unstabled me,are trouble by the kidnap of my lil'devil.
it's all gone... gone... sob sob....sober........

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